Shop These Amazon Wide Calf Black Heel Boots For $30

Fun fact: When I was a freshman in college, I (soberly) fell in a drainage ditch next to my townhouse. I ended up with a compound fracture and still have a metal plate and two screws in my right ankle. Which basically means I can never wear high heels ever again and extreme cold weather makes my foot feel stiff.

When shopping for wide calf boots, I always hope to find something with a little bit of heel, but nothing too painful for my ankle. I pretty much never find anything that satisfies me and it’s a bummer. BUT I finally found boots that are plus-size friendly, black, cute, and have a slight heel. So of course I am going to share the shit out of them.

Amazon Wide Calf Black Heel Boots

Fit: Order a half size down! Cannot stress this enough. I read about this in the reviews and it’s true. They run a bit big so for sure order correctly.

Comfort: I have wide feet and so far they’re fine. Because they have a heel, they’re not as comfy as a flat boot would be, but I enjoy them. They’re also calf adjustable so they should fit when you mess with the buckle.

Type: This Amazon link has a few kinds of boots, but the specific type is 18yy28black.

Price: The boots listed from the link range in prices, but the boots I have were $30.

So yeah, they are great. I love them. So cute. Buy them on Amazon here!