Rainbow Fruit Kabobs

Happy Pride!! I love all my LGBTQ friends and family more than anything, and this is a super simple, healthy way to celebrate them (you can also donate to True Colors Fund to help end homelessness among the LGBT youth)! All you need is a variety of fruit and some skewers and you're done. These are perfect for summer and you can bring them to potlucks, BBQs, get-togethers, and office parties. 

Rainbow Fruit Kabobs

Servings: Up to you!


  • Strawberries or raspberries 
  • Cantaloupe or oranges
  • Mango or pineapple
  • Green grapes or kiwi
  • Blueberries
  • Purple grapes


  1. Cut fruit into small pieces
  2. Pierce fruit through a skewer to make a rainbow kabob