Sweet Potato And Egg Hash

Ahhhhh I love breakfast. What once used to be my least favorite meal of the day, is now what I look forward to before going to bed. My mornings used to consist of Diet Coke and a muffin, which is just empty carbs and a crap load of added sugar. Finally getting to a place where I legitimately enjoy cooking breakfast and experimenting with ingredients feels sooo good. This recipe was adapted from Goodful and I make it all the time.

Sweet Potato And Egg Hash

Servings: 1


  • Spray olive oil
  • 1 egg (2 SmartPoints, 0 SmartPoints on Freestyle)
  • 1/4 tsp minced garlic
  • 1/4 cup chopped peppers
  • 1/4 cup diced red onion
  • 1/4 cup chopped jalapeño
  • 1 small 5 oz sweet potato (4 SmartPoints)


  1. Coat a large non-stick skillet with spray oil and place on medium-high heat
  2. Add diced sweet potato (skin on), cover, and let it cook for approximately 10 minutes or until it begins to soften, stirring occasionally
  3. While the sweet potato cooks, dice the veggies and mince the garlic
  4. Add to the skillet and cover for another 5 minutes
  5. Create a well in the center of the hash and crack an egg 
  6. Cover and let it sit for another 3-5 minutes or until eggs are cooked how you like them
  7. Enjoy!